Humble Bundles 在Ubuntu上72小时卖出近10000份

Almost 10,000 Humble Bundles Sold on Ubuntu In 72 Hours

Humble Bundle in Ubuntu Software Center

The Humble Indie Bundle V continues to set new records.

Having generated over $2.5 million dollars in just short of 3 days – and still going strong – the Humble team’s latest success is paying dividends for Ubuntu thanks to their recent tie up.

So far Ubuntu are reporting that around 10,000 bundles have been installed through the Ubuntu Software Center during the first 72 hours of the games package being made available.

These are remarkable stats so far. And the good news according to Ubuntu Developer David Planella is that ‘downloads are continuing apace.’

“Combine the download figures, the fact that Linux users donate more on average for the games, and the features of the Ubuntu Software Center, this is another confirmation that Ubuntu is an exciting platform for delivering games to users.”

The stat is certainly more impressive than the paltry 26 copies that puzzle game Memory Owl HD sold to reach the Top 10 sellers list last December.

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