[How To] Use Unity Quicklists in Gnome-Shell
When it comes to GNOME Shell, regardless of whether you love it or loathe it, there is no denying that it is extendable thanks to the the sea of 3rd party extensions continuously being developed for it.
Not too long ago I stumbled upon a very nifty Extension that brings Unity’s quicklist functionality to Gnome-Shell’s Activity Bar and Dash.
Unity quicklists provide handy application options via a right click on its launcher icon.
Like this one for Skype, for example:
As more and more developers add quicklist support to their applications it would be a shame for GNOME Shell users to miss out. This extension ensures that they don’t.
Quicklists can be accessed via the GNOME Shell ‘Dock’: –
快速菜单可以从GNOME Shell的启动条中访问
Or from the general apps overlay:
Installing extensions in Gnome-Shell takes next-to-no effort at all.
Just click the is sleek orange below to open the GNOME extensions page for the addon, and set the slider to “ON”.
点击下面的链接打开GNOME插件下载页面, 然后将其打开。
Unity Quicklist GNOME-Shell Extension
A small pop-up will appear asking you to confirm that you wish to enable it. Click yes.
然后会弹出一个对话框让你确认安装, 点击是。
And that’s it! Head into the Activities overlay and right-click on a quicklist-supported app to begin using.
搞定, 打开平铺视图然后右击一个具有快速菜单动能的软件图标, 看看效果吧