【转】win 8 cygwin chmod 不正常的解决办法


Try running:

 chgrp -R Users ~/.ssh

The longer explanation is for some reason, cygwin’s /etc/passwd / /etc/group generation are putting the user’s default/main group as None. You cannot change the permission of None, so the chmod for group has no effect. I didn’t try repairing the passwd / group files myself, but I did a chgrp -R Users ~/.ssh (or the group “HomeUsers” On Windows8 pre-release). After that, you can do thechmod 0600 and it’ll work as expected. The chgrp to the Users group can be done in whichever other similar cases you find; it even works as expected since cygwin puts users in the Users group as a secondary group (instead of primary, which would be the correct behavior).

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