Install python-lfp-reader in ubuntu 12.04

python lfp reader is a tool that can read the latest lytro camera file format, and then extract the content inside.

The website for this project is: . The project has instructions on how to install and run. However, when installing on ubuntu 12.04, I still encountered several problems. Here I took a note on how to solve the problems.

  • no element ffdec_h264 : need to install package gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg
  • no element h264parser : need to install package gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad
  • ecoder jpeg not available : need to make a link in order for PIL to find the jpeg lib, refer to the following links:             and after making the link, you need to reinstall the PIL library
  • no modeule named _imagingtk : need to install package python-imaging-tk

Then you can use:  “lfp-picture export <path to your input stack.lfp file>” to obtain all the focus stack and depth map and the all_focus image. The depth map txt file can be directly read into matlab using load command.

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