I encountered a problem that when line 755: 3142 Segmentation fault
I ran “DEBUGGER=gdb steam” and found that it is related to the 32bit nvidia GL library
So I uninstalled nvidia driver and uninstalled these two packages:
libgl1-mesa-dri:i386, libgl1-mesa-glx:i386
Then, reinstall the nvidia driver and open steam, it will you prompt you to install some i386 package(which is the above mentioned two packages), and then it works again.
caffe is a deep learning framework, the official site is at: http://caffe.berkeleyvision.orginstall the dependencies following the instructions on the official site, when install nvidia driver and the cuda, better install both from the .run script
In some systems (here, it was 64-bit Matlab on 64-bit Ubuntu 12.10) you may find an error about the version of libstdc++ being wrong. E.g. when using the system()
or unix()
Here’s what worked for me.
1) cd /usr/local/MATLAB/R2013a/sys/os/glnxa64
2) sudo mkdir obsolete
3) sudo mv libstdc* obsolete/
4) sudo ln -s /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libstdc* ./
The specific error this fixed for me was calling gnucap from Matlab. I would get the error:
gnucap: /usr/local/MATLAB/R2013a/sys/os/glnxa64/ version `GLIBCXX_3.4.15′ not found (required by gnucap)
when running in Matlab
unix('gnucap -b')
system('gnucap -b')
python lfp reader is a tool that can read the latest lytro camera file format, and then extract the content inside.
The website for this project is: . The project has instructions on how to install and run. However, when installing on ubuntu 12.04, I still encountered several problems. Here I took a note on how to solve the problems.
Then you can use: “lfp-picture export <path to your input stack.lfp file>” to obtain all the focus stack and depth map and the all_focus image. The depth map txt file can be directly read into matlab using load command.
There are three entry points to the code package. The first is the run_pipeline_segmentation.m. This only generate the segmentation results. The other two are the run_pipeline_support_inference_gt.m and run_pipeline_support_inference_seg.m. These two do support inference based on the manually labeled segments and the segments generated by the segmentation procedure respectively.
The original package is written and compiled in 2011a, there are some changes between the versions of Matlab. The code will fail in an error “not positive semi-definite”. We need to create a new function and copy the content in “princomp.m” into it, then change this line
varargout{1} = pca(varargin{1},’Algorithm’,’eig’,’Economy’,fEconomy);
to use the ‘svd’ algorithm. Then change all the places that call princomp to call this new funciton.
set can-use-hw-watchpoints 0
The project is here
In ubuntu we need to first download the source code. Then according to there readme file, we need to build it. First install some dependencies.
intltool, libgtk2.0-dev, libdbus-glib-1-dev, libgconf2-dev, libbluetooth-dev
Original link:
There are two basic ways this can be done and a workaround: