Ubuntu Team Up With The Humble Indie Bundle
Ubuntu have teamed up with the Humble Indie Bundle to provide the latest pay-what-you-want games collection through the Ubuntu Software Center.
ubuntu和Humble Indie Bundle 联合在USC中推出最新的“随你出价”游戏集合。
Ubuntu users purchasing the latest collection – the 13th bundle overall, and the 5th ‘indie’ bundle – from the official website will be able to choose whether to download the games directly through the Humble website or redeem them through the Ubuntu Software Center.
购买最新一期游戏集合(总第13辑, indie版第5辑)的ubuntu用户可以选择直接下载或是从USC中安装了。
The move, the latest in a string of pro-gaming announcements on Ubuntu, ensures that users get the best games at the best price via the best possible delivery method on Ubuntu.
More information on the titles included in the bundle – along with further information – can be found @ humblebundle.com