Linux Mint 小型PC即将到来

Linux Mint Mini-PC Coming Soon


Ubuntu isn’t the only Linux distribution that available to buy pre-installed on PCs.


The Ubuntu-based spin ‘Linux Mint’ have been working with computer manufacturer CompuLab since late last year to bring Linux Mint to market on a range of energy efficient and fanless devices.

电脑厂商CompuLab去年开始就一直将基于Ubuntu的“Linux Mint”用在低能耗低发热设备上。

That partnership, which will see Mint receive a small percentage from the sale of each device, is close to bearing its fruit.

Mini Mint PCs

Two  versions of the ‘MintBox’ will be made available, both based on AMD’s G-series chipset and using the latest release of the Linux Mint OS with MATE as its desktop environment.

‘MintBox’有两个版本, 都是使用AMD’s G-系列芯片, 使用最新的MATE桌面。

FitPC3 - Being rebranded to the 'mintbox'

The devices boasts:

  • AMD CPU up to 1.65GHz dual core
  • Dual-head Radeon HD graphics
  • 4GB of RAM
  • 250GB HDD
  • 4x USB ports
  • Dual-head DisplayPort
  • HDMI
  • 2 eSATA ports
  • Ethernet
  • Wi-Fi
  • Ruggedized metal case
If the device looks familiar to avid perusers of mini-PCs it’s because the ‘mintBox’ is simple a Mint-branded version of the company’s existing ‘Fit PC3′ computer.
‘mintBox’是公司已有的Fit PC3′计算机的Mint版。


Mint aren’t giving any official word on when the devices will appear for sale – though rumours hint that they’ll appear as early as next week.

公司官方没有给出此设备何时发售, 流言声称下周发售。

Similarly, although there’s no official price so far we can assume that given the non Mint-branded version of the same PC starts at £425/$589 the MintBox will likely follow suit.

Fit PC3′计算机起价£425/$589,相信mintbox的价格应该相差不大。

One thing you have to admire about Mint: they don’t have the massive financial resources of Canonical or the wide-reaching community of Ubuntu, but they’re nevertheless fully capable of delivering what their users want.

Will the MintBox tempt you?

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